Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 8 Section Review 1

1. Latins

2. Etruscans, Greeks, Carthaginians, and Gauls; Greeks

3. Paterfamilias, piety, gravity, and dignity

4. They worshiped the same gods, Pantheon

5. 509 BC

6. consuls- 2 equal cheifs dictator-rules Rome for 6 months

7. The Tribune

8. Telve Tables


Rome- Ruler of the Medditeranean Basin in ancient times
Forum- Common market
Jupiter- Zeus
Patricians- Upper class
Plebians- Lower class
Centuries- Military units of 100 men
Republic- Representatives form of civil government
Electorate- All citizens elegible to vote
Veto- "forbid"
Concilium Plebis- New political office
12 Tables-Written laws

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