Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9/10 Test

1.Messiah- The "Anointed One" of God
5.Domitian- Responsible for the second great persecution of Christians, Proclaimed himself Dominus et Deus. Demanded to be worshiped

9. Marcus Aurelius- Responsible for the 4th great Christian persecution. Ardent hater of Christians
13.Irenaeus- Pupil of Ploycarp, Bishop of Lyons of Gaul. Was martyred
17. Origen- Christian philosopher and theologin from Alexandria escaped the persecution under Maximinus Thrax
21. Diocletian, The 10 greatest persecution of Christians came under the Reforming emporer
Maximian- Proclaimed himself along with Diocletian offically Dominus Noster( Our Lord).
25. Aristides- Christian apologist of the early church period
29.Athanasius- Argued for the true diety of Christ at the counsil of Nicaea
33. Theodocious I- Ruled from 379-395 AD. Made Christianity the only legal faith.

Synagogues- Jewish local place of worship
Gentiles- Non-Jews
Proselytes- Jewish converts
Martyr- Person killed for their faith
Book of Revalation- recorded prophetic visions know as the Apocalypse. Wrote by John.
Catacombs- Subteranian galleries beneath the ciy of Rome
Edict of Milan- Extended legal protection and recognition to Christians throught the empire
Church Fathers- Godly and able men who eexponded on Scriptures, defended faith, champion of Christ
apologist- Christian writers who defended the christian faith
Monarchianism- Denied the doctrine of the Trinity
Latin Vulgate- Common Vernacular
Creeds- Confessions of faith
Apostles Creed- The earliest creed developed between the 2nd and 5th centuries
Nicene Creed- Rejected the taching of Arianism.
Athansian Creed- 3rd great creed after the Nicene Creed
Counsil of Nicene- adopted the Nicene Creed in 325 AD
Aranism- False doctrine which denied the diety of Chirst

Chapter concepts
4. It created false christianity. People were only converting and worshiping God because they were forced by law.

Chapter 10

1. Justinian I- 1st great leader of the Byzantine Empire. Justintine the Great
3. Theodora- Justinians wife. Most famous woman of Byzantine history
5. Leo III- Ruled from 717-741 Ad. Destroyed all the painting in the churches.
10. Ottoman- New groups of turks who poured into asia minor during the 14th century

1 Byzantium, Constantinople- Captial of Byzantine, Founded by Constatine. Stood beside the Bosporus
3. Hagia Sophia- Most magnificent church building of the middle ages

1 Cristiandome- portion of the world where christianity is the dominant religion
3. Greek Fire- Byzantine flamethrower
4. Iconoclastic Contovery- Image destoryer

Chapter concept
1. survived the fall of the western empire of 476, endured through the middle ages. Had a sound monatary system a flourishing trade with Persian and the Orient. Strong Navy. Principles of Law and Order and elements of morality and virtue among its people.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 9 Section Review 3

1. Clemente of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias
2. Aristids, Iranies, Athanesius
3. Iranies against all heresies
4. Tertullian
5. Origen
6.He translated the scriptures out of hebrew and greek into the common bible of eraly western church, the latin vulgate
7. Ambrose and John Chrysoston
8. Augustine, Confessions and City of God
9. Apostles Creed, Nicean Creed, Anthasian
10.325 AD, Constantinople. Ephesus. Chalcedon
11. Theodosius. It created Fake cristians, It made it good

Church Fathers- Preachers and teachers that god raised up to defend faith
apologists- those who attempted to reasonably defend christianity against pagan defamations
Gnosticism- Combined elements of greek philosiphy
Monarchism- Denied the monarchy of the trinity
Creed- Confessions of faith
Arianism- A false doctrine which denied the diety of Christ

Chapter 9 Section Review 2

1. Tertullian

2.Paul- beheaded and peter-crucified upside down

3.Domitian;they refused;John

4.subterranean galleries beneath the city of rome;were christians would worship

5.Trajan; polycarp

6.justin martyr,blandina

7.septimius severus; irenaeus, perpetua, felicitas

8.maximinus thrax and decius; origen

9. persecution of christains , the christain church triumphed through it all.

10. The edicts of milans , 313

identify: Martyr- the face of torture and death
Book of the revelation- prophetic visions
Polycarp- an aged bishop of smyrna
Maximinus thrax- emperor that started th e6th persecution
Decius- 7th persecution
Orgin- a christain philopsher and theologian
Maximian- proclaimed himsef off. our lord
Galerius- emperor who proclaimed toleration 4 the christains of the east
Constantine I.- extended legal protection and recgonition to christains

Stopping Christian Persecution through the Internet

People of many websites are trying to stop Christian persecution online. This tactic can help but most likely isnt. People are not going to stop persecuting Christians just because they read something over the internet. The only way to get people to stop persecuting is to pass some kind of law protecting Christians. The internet is not powerful enough to pass a law, so therefore it is not working.

Religous Persecution

Religious persecution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaReligious persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs of affiliations. ... - Cached - Similar -Category:Religious persecution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe main article for this category is Religious persecution. Search Wikimedia Commons · Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Religious persecution ... - Cached - Similar -

Show more results from en.wikipedia.orgSuffering & Persecution of Christians & the Persecuted Church ...Assyrian Christians Persecuted; Chronicled in Religious Freedom Report. October 28, 2009, 01:07:10 PM Country: Iraq, Islam. Christian persecution continues ... - Cached - Similar -News results for religious persecution
CathNews Creche Clash: Religious Right Launches Another Bogus Persecution Claim‎ - 20 hours ago

William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson had come from England in 1656 to escape religious persecution. But on Oct. 27, 1659, they became the first Quakers ...Americans United (blog) - 30 related articles »

America as a Religious Refuge: the 17th Century (Religion and the ...Although England renounced religious persecution in 1689, it persisted on the ... Religious persecution, as observers in every century have commented, ... - Cached - Similar -Commentary: Stop religious persecution in Iran - CNN.comWhy is Rainn Wilson, "Dwight" on "The Office," writing a news commentary for CNN? Good question. - Cached - Similar -[PDF] Religious Persecution as a U.S. Policy I s s u eFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Oct 27, 1998 ... V. Religious Persecution and U.S. Foreign Policy ..... In the past several years the issue of religious persecution has received incre ... - Similar -
by RIJ Hackett - 2000 - Cited by 10 - Related articles

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Religous Persecution

Malaysian authorities have confiscated more than 15,000 Bibles in recent months because they referred to "God" as "Allah," a translation that has been banned in this Muslim-majority country, Christian church officials said Thursday.

The alleged seizure of the Bibles, imported from neighboring Indonesia, is certain to reignite complaints by religious minorities that their right to practice their faiths freely has come under threat as the government panders to the Muslim majority.

A growing sense of discrimination among the minorities is chipping away at Malaysia's reputation as a harmonious multiethnic nation that practices a moderate brand of Islam.

The Rev. Hermen Shastri, general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia, said authorities seized a consignment of 10,000 copies sent from Jakarta to Kuching in Sarawak state on Sept. 11 because the Indonesian-language Bibles contained the word "Allah."

Indonesian language is similar to Malaysian language, both of which use "Allah" as translation for God in both Islamic and Christian traditions.

The leader of a polygamous community in western Canada said Thursday that authorities are engaging in religious persecution by charging him with practicing polygamy.

Winston Blackmore, who was arrested Wednesday, claimed there are tens of thousands of polygamists across Canada but said his religious sect is being singled out, disregarding his right to religious freedom.

"This is not about polygamy," Blackmore told reporters in the community of Bountiful. "To us this is about religious persecution."

When a modern Western country whose economy is based on science and technology adopts an absurdly medieval law, one would think that this would be a news story of at least moderate size.

A new law in Ireland makes blasphemy illegal.
(ABC News Photo Illustration)Oddly though, almost no attention has been paid in the United Stares to the passing last month of a bill establishing a crime of blasphemy in Ireland.

Approved by the Irish parliament, it states: "A person who publishes or utters blasphemous matter shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding 25,000 euro."

A senior US State Department offiicial is making a rare visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss the sensitive issue of religious freedom.
The US special representative for religious freedom, Robert Seiple and the Saudi Islamic Minister of Religious Affairs, Abdullah al Turki, have held talks in the Saudi capital. Mr Seiple is the head of a newly formed commission to monitor the treatment of religious minorities.

A report by the State Department on religious discrimination last month criticised Saudi Arabia where non-Muslims are not allowed to practice their

However, those who believe and practise minority faiths are routinely persecuted, according to human rights groups.

Two years ago the Eritrean government introduced a registration system for religions which forced groups to submit information about themselves in order to be allowed to worship.

Apart from the four mentioned, other faiths have not been recognised.

And human rights groups have regularly complained that people practising minority religions have faced harassment

Monday, October 26, 2009


Restricted Nation- nations that are restricted from hearing the gospel

Lybia- They want to broaden the Islamic law
Saudi Arabia- Islamic state
Iran- In 2008 the government raided house churches and arrested people from them
Mauriania- It is illegal to enter a non-muslim household
China- most christians are in prison or under detention.
Noth Korea- worst perpetrator of persecution against Christians in the world

VOM- A group of people that are trying to stop persecution around the world
-Locations- USA, Canada, Peru, Brazil, Costa Rica, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Nigeria, and S. Africa
-To help VOM you can volounteer
-The founders were Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina (Oster) Wurmbrand

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Section Review Chapter 9

1.Vast empire spreading from Rome all the way over millions of square miles of land. Because of the Pax Romana there was peace in Rome and in the empire
2.Herod the Great
3.12 Apostles+Paul
4.100 AD
5.They were impressed that Christians were willing to die and not reject or renounce the name of Christ.

Synagogues-Jewish temple
Proselytes- Converted Gentiles
Messiah- Jewish name for Christ(Greek)
Church- Body of Christ or place of meeting

The New Testament

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 8 Section Review 1

1. Latins

2. Etruscans, Greeks, Carthaginians, and Gauls; Greeks

3. Paterfamilias, piety, gravity, and dignity

4. They worshiped the same gods, Pantheon

5. 509 BC

6. consuls- 2 equal cheifs dictator-rules Rome for 6 months

7. The Tribune

8. Telve Tables


Rome- Ruler of the Medditeranean Basin in ancient times
Forum- Common market
Jupiter- Zeus
Patricians- Upper class
Plebians- Lower class
Centuries- Military units of 100 men
Republic- Representatives form of civil government
Electorate- All citizens elegible to vote
Veto- "forbid"
Concilium Plebis- New political office
12 Tables-Written laws

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 section 3

1.King Phillip II. Hellenic League. He hoped Greeks would willingly join himto conquer the Persian Empire.
2. 334 bc
3. He defeated the Persian Empire. His Death. He died, people believe he was poisoned.
4. The spread of Greek culture.
5.Ptolemies, Seleucids, Antigonids.

Macedonia- Place where the Greeks Inhabited
Demosthenes- Famous Asthenian orator
Alexander the Great- Macedonian king
Alexandria- 16 cities named after Alexander the Great
Ipsus-a battle where the empire was divided among four generals who declared themselves kings.

Chapter 7 Section Review 2

1. Monarchy, Council of the Elders and Assembly

2. Aristocracy is ruled by the best, Oligarchy is ruled by the few, Democracy, Oligarchy, and Tyranny

3. Ruled by the many or common people

4. Three classes, ruling, middle and slaves, started training at 7 and were made to steal food to eat and if they got caught they would be punished for getting caught

5. Solon revealed the harsh edicts of Draco, solons was better, it was merciful

6. Pericles, Dominated Athens from 461 and 429 BC, Golden Age of Greece

7. Because they expected more trouble

8. Greece was split into 2, Spartans supremecy was short lived. Thebes delivered defeat to Sparta, Greek city-states became independant again

Helots- Slaves
Peloponnesian Leage-Alliance with Corinth Megra and other cities in Peloponnisia
Court of Areopagus- It met on the hill by that name
Peistratus-A nobelman aspeing to office
Cleisthenes-Emergen as the new champion of the comman people
Ostracism- Corum of citizens could vote to banish of ten years of any person believed to be dangerous to the state
Representitive Democracy- The citizens elect a few men who represent them in the government
Direct Democracy-The citizens made the big decisions of government directly themselves, not indirectly through representatives

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life In Ancient Greece

a. Family Life-men either trained in the military or dicussed politics, women doing domestic work around home, and the young children playing with their toys.

b. Clothing-Ancient Greek clothing was typically homemade and the same piece of homespun fabric that was used as a type of garment, or blanket and Men in ancient Greece customarily wore a chiton similar to the one worn by women, but knee-length or shorter.Women sometimes wore an epiblema (shawl) over the peplos or chiton

c. Food-Ancient Greeks usually ate bread (barley or wheat) and porridge, accompanied with food such as cheese, vegetables, fish, eggs and fruit. Animal such as deer, hare and boars were hunted only as addition to the food supply.

d. Entertainment- Amphitheater

e. Military- started training at age 7

f. Government-c.800 BC -The majority of Greek states were governed by groups of rich landowners, called aristocrats; this word is derived from 'aristoi', meaning best people. This was a system known as 'oligarchy' the rule by the few.c.750 BC -Athenian power in the Archaic Period was controlled by Aeropagus, or council. Their policies were delivered through three magistrates called Archons.c.500 BC- Democracy was introduced by an aristocrat, Cleisthenes. Who was from family of the Alcmaeonids in 508 BC, after 2 years of civil war, they used the help of Spartans to secure power

g. Social Life-Men if they were not training in military, or discussing politics went to the Theatre for entertainment. To watch dramas that they could relate to, including tragedies and comedies. These often involved current politics and gods in some form. It is thought that women were not allowed to watch theatre or perform at the theatre, although male actors did play women roles

h. Education- Girls didn't go to school and boys trained for military instead of going to school.