Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review 1

1. Tigri-Euphrates, Indus, and Hwang Ho. Mesopotamia, India, and China

2. 1 1/3 land and 60% population

3. Himalayan Mountain System, Northern Plains, and Deccan Plateau

4. Hiduism and Cast System

5. Mauryas

6. Siddhartha Gautama, Asia

7. Guptas

8. Mogul Empire

9. British East India Company

10. William Carey

11. They aided India, enlarged irrigation systems, constructed railroads, telegraphs and telephone systems

12. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, 1947

13. Indira Gandhi, and Mahatma Gandhi

14. Mathmatics- Place Value, Decimal Numeral, Arabic Numeral, and Algebra Science and Technology- Advanced chemical principles


Mount Everest- The highest point in the world, 29,035 ft above sea level
Dead Sea- The lowest place in the world 1,309 ft below sea level
Indus Valley Civilization- Indian civilization that rose at around 2,000 BC along the fertile plains of the Indus River Valley
Aryans- Hordes of fierce barbarians who invaded India
Draidians-Fled south after being overwhelmed by the Aryans
Asoka- The greatest ruler of the Mauryas Empire
Taj Mahal- Best of empires
Pakistan- Territory suceeded from India
Bangladesh- East Pakistan
Hindustani- The official language of Pakistan
Sepoy Rebellion- Indian troops revolted against the British
Adoniran Judsen- Missionary in India known as the father of American missions

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