Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chapter 3.1

1. Old Babylon Empire
2. King of Babylon, established first great Babylonian Empire
3. Composed durind the reign of Hammurabi, to exalt Babylon and its cheif god, Marduk
4. Indo-Europeans from Asia Minor, raided & ploundered Babylon in 1600 BC, first people to extinsively use iron

Chapter 4.1

1. Mt. Everest, and Dead Sea
2. Hwang Ho, Tigris/Euphrates, and Indus
3. Beacuase it juts out into the sea
4. Himilayan mountains, Decau Platau, and Northern Plains

Chpter 4.5

1.Hokkaido, Honshu, Hyushu, and Shikoku
2. Mt. Fuji
3. Ainu
4. Oldest religion of Japan

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