Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chapter 7 Section Review 1

1. Black Sea and the Agean Sea. Ionian Sea
2. Minoins, Myceneans, and Trojans
3. Minoins, King Minos at Knossos
4. Dorians
5. Dorians
6. Homer
7. Greek gods, Zues, Apollo, Aries, Posieden. They were a product of poetic genius
8. Apollis is a city state
9. Sparta, Athens, Ertertia
10. 490-479 BC
11. Battle Thermopalay, Greeks were defeated by Persians because of a trader, Battle of Salamis, The Greeks Defeated the Persians, and it was the firts navel batle
12. It placed an absolute linit on westward expansion in the Persian Empire


Hellespont-Where the people of troy lived.
Attica- A prominent region of greece
Peloponnesus- prominent region of greece
Trojan war- 1200bc mycenans defeated the city of troy, on the coast of asia minor after a 10 year seige
Odysseus- Main characer of Homer's Odyssey
Mt. Olympus- Where the gods lived
heros-human chracters who played imprtant roles in homers poems
Achilles- Invincible greek warrior
barbarian- Those who did not speak greek
Olypic Ganes- held every fourth year at olympia in honor of Zeus
Olypiad- time between olympic games
Darius 1- King of persia
Xerxes 1- Darius son
Leonidas- Spartan leader
Themistocle- briallant athenian tricked xerxes into fighting a naval battle
Plataea- a battle fought in 479 bc

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 6 Study Guide

What kind of progress was made while Africa was ruled by Europeans?
- government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.

What are Africians most pressing needs today?
-the gospel, foods and shelter, and education.

African Landscape

deserts-2/5 of Africa
Sahara-north Africa
kalahari-south Africa
Savanna-vast tracks of and characterized by wet&dry seasons.covered by grass and shrubs.
Mountains-atlas mt. range & Mt.Kilimanjaro
Atlas Mountain Range-Africas longest mountain range
Mt.Kilimanjaro-tallest mountain in Africa
Nile River-longest river in africa
Lake Victoria-Africas largest lake
Great rift valley-largest rift in earths surface

African History

Began shortly after the...Flood
Ebed Melech-helped prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah.
Unnamed Ethiopian-most famous Cushite in world history,treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush,Philip lead this treasurer to Christ
Eunuch-casturated man who protected the queen.
Edesius and Frumentius-around 300 a.d. these 2 were ship wrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves. Preached the gospel there. credited with bringing Christianity to Africa.

Early Christianity in Africa
Alexandria,EGYPT-home to clement of alexandria.(150-215)
Cyrene,LIBYA-simmon was from here and he carried the cross for jesus
Carthage,TUNISIA-city of early church fathers tertullin(160-230) and cyprain(200-248)
Simon of Cyrene-caried the cross for Jesus
Clement of Alexandria-was from alexandria,egypt is the oldest surviving christian hymn.
African Trade
Sea trade-early as 1500 b.c.,africans were trading w/ asians . Africa gave iron,ivory,gold.Asia gave porcelain,precious stones,silk.
Inland trade-b/t 300 and 1200 a.d.,ghana was trading w/ middle east arabs. Ghana gave gold,ivory and slaves. Middle east gave salt, copper, dried fruits.
Mali Empire-lasted from 1200-1500 a.d.,modern day gambia,guinea,mali and seegal.
Timbuktu-important trading center for mahli empire,famous center for learning and culture.
Songhai Empire-dominated west asia in 1500s/monopolized trade across the sahara.

Exploration and Missions
"The White Mans Grave"-name for africa in the 19th centruy(1800s)/explorers in africa faced many obsticales:intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness,&yellow fever.
Mungo Park-Explored africa from 1768-1773/explored the nile river.
Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824/1st european to to cross the sahara.
Alexander Laing-explored africa from 1825-1826/first european to reach timbuktu.
Robert Moffatt-explored africa from 1795-1883/one of the 1st missionaries to africa/he said,"I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Chirst has never been heard."
David Livingstone-went to africa in response to moffatts call for more missionaries'1st european to see Victoria falls(largest waterfall)/worked in africa many years, then went missing/american newspaper sent a reporter,Henry Stanley, to find him.

Africa in Modern Times
European Rule-by WWI, only 2 african staes were independent....Ethiopia & Liberia
Progress-what kind?-government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.
1950s and 1960s-a move toward independence from European rule. began with Ghana in 1957.
General Idi Amin-seized power in Uganda/ruled until 1979/devout muslim...killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Chase- This game is lame. It was very boring. it probably helped with my map skills but it was not entertaining. I wouldnt play it again because its boring. Very boring.

Christian- I didnt realy like the game. It was kinda boring. I dont think it realy elped me any and it was very slow paced

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Arican Map Game

Christian- 123 sec

Chase- 112 sec

Monday, September 21, 2009

Africa Geography Game


Chapter 6 Section Review

1. 2/5, Sahara-Worlds largest, northwest Kalahri-North

2. Atlas mtn range, mt Kilimanjaro

3. Lake Victoria, Nile River

4. Great Rift Valley

Dark Continent-Africa
Savanna-Vast tracts of land characterized by wet & dry seasons
Lake Tanganyika-The worlds longest and second deepest lake

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Study Guide

Sahara- The largest desert in the world located in Africa
Nile- Largest river in the world located in Africa, flows north instead of south
Egypt- Seabed of African culture located in northeast Africa
Mizraim- The most ancient name of Egypt, name of Ham's son
Land of Ham- What the Bible calls Egypt
Nomes- Small states in ancient Egypt
Pharaohs- Srong rulers of Egypt
Menes- The first Pharaoh of Egypt, united upper and lower Egypt
"The Gift of the Nile"- The name of Egypt given by Herodotus
Hieroglyphics- The language that the Egyptians wrote in, contained over 700 characters
Book of the Dead- Most important Egyptian work, it contained prayers,hyms, spells, and other info to guide souls through the afterlife, they palced it tombs
Memphis- Known as noph in the Bible, nothing remains but two granite collums
Thebes- "City of the Dead" considered a necropolis
Necropolis-"City of the Dead"
Pyramid- A tomb for the pharaohs, best symbolizes Egyptian government
Monarchy- One leader
Theocracy- Ruled by a god
Humanism- Worship humans, Pharaohs
Naturalist- The worship of nature
Polytheistic- Believing in thousands of gods and godesses
Egyptian Tombs- Men spent as muh time preparing their tombs then he did on his affairs
Great Pyramids of Cheops- One of the 7 wonders of the world, took 100,000 people 20 years to build, covered 13 acres and 2.3 million blocks of stone and was 480 ft high
King Tut- Was a king that died at the age of 18, his tomb was one the worlds greatest archeologica discoveries
30 Dynasties- Ancient Egyptian history is divided into 30 dynasties
Old Kingdom- Dynasties 3-6 important monarchs- Cheops, Khafre, and menkaure
Pyramid at Giza- Built by the old kingdom
The Great Sphinx-Had a head of a man and body of a lion, bears the likeness of Khafre
Middle Kingdom-11 Dynasty, king Mentohotep, Established capitol at Thebes
Kign Menuhotep- King of the middle kingdom
Hyksos- Asiatic warriors, conquered the middle kingdom with charriots and horses
Amose 1- the king of the new kingdom
New Kingdom- 18-20 dynasty, drove hyksos out of Egypt
Hatshepshut- May have been Moses' mom, the only female pharaoh
Amenhotep 2- Tuts son, may have been Pharaoh during the Exodus
Later New Kingdom- Ramses 2- most outstanding Egyptian monarch
Alexander the Great- Young Macedonian king
Alexandria- The most important city in Alexanders empire
Lighthouse of Alexander- One of the ancient wonders of the world, 440 ft high marble tower with a fire burning pitch and a giant reflective mirror. the lighthouse could cast light 35 miles across the sea


Christian- I enjoyed the game alot. It was fun to learn more about the mummification process. It had alot of information about how they mummified people back in Egypt.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a. What do Nile crocodiles resemble? What do they feed on?
Armored tanks with huge teeth filled mouths, they eat insects and small teeth

b. How does the male croc get the female croc's attention?
He bellow and splashes, slapping his snout on the water

c. Where does the female lay her eggs?
Usually digs a hole and puts her eggs in their

d. How many eggs does she deposit? Does she watch them?
25-80, yes

e. How do the mom & dad croc know when the baby crocs are ready to hatch?
The babies send a high pitched sound for help to hatch

f. Where does mom bring them once they hatch?
She carries them to the water

g. How do crocs control their temperature?
They bask in the sun during the day, and in the evening they rest in the shade, and then sleep all night mostly sumerged

h. What's the scientific name for crocodile? How long can they grow?
Crocodylus Niloticus, they can grow up to 20 ft (6 meters)

i. How long can they live? What kind of feet do they have?
About 45 years and they have webbed feet

j. Where do Nile crocs live?
Primaraly in rivers, marshes and lakes in southern Egypt

k. How can you tell an alligator from a crocodile?
Crocs have long, narrow snouts while gators have short rounded snouts

l. What do crocs use their tails for?
Propeling themselves through water

m. What do crocs eat? (mammals)
Baboons, hyenas, impalas, and wildebeast

n. What type of huge prey do crocs kill?
hippos, lions, buffalo, giraffes, and sometimes even humans

o. Tell me about a croc's brain.
They have the most highly developed brains of all reptiles

p. How do stones aid in digestion for crocs
theyre found in the stomach to help the digestion of food


1- A large ship is going down a canal in Egypt- Large ship steams through the Suez Canal in Egypt
2- People are shopping in a market in Egypt- Shoppers walk through an open-air market in luxor, Egypt
3- A camel is in front of pyramids- A camel stands near the great pyramid in Giza, Egypt
4- Its a picture of Cairo, Egypt- Crowded Cairo, Egypt, has more than 18 milion people
5- People gathering water- Two women fill their jugs with water from the Nile River
6- The Egyptian flag- Egyptian flag
a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River. Only about an inch each year

b. Egypt is divided into what 2 sections? Upper and Lower Egypt

c. Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt. Southern- low mountains and desserts northern- wide valleys near the Nile and deserts east to west.

d. Egypt is home to which animals? Cheetas, hyenas, crocodiles, & cobras

e. What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of? Large animals such as elephants, hippos, leapords, and cheetas

f. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there? 3000 BC, 8000 years

g. When did Lower & Upper Egypt unite? 3100 BC

h. When did Egypt fall under Roman control? When did Muslims take over Egypt? 31 BC, and 640 AD

i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence? British, to control Suez Canal, 1952

j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion? Muslims

k. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today? It puts strains on Egyptian resources since most people live on a narrow strip of line along the Nile River

l. Why are children highly valued in their culture? They help with family work and take care pf the parents in old age.

m. What type of gov't is Egypt today? Democratic Republic

n. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is? Tourism, because of pyrimids and sphinx

o. What is the official name of Egypt? Arab Republic of Egypt

p. What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo

q. What is the population/official language of Egypt? 78,887,007 Arabic

r. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money) Egyptian pound, guinay

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Chase- The Pharoahs went through a lot after their death. They were removed of all their organs and then well preserved. They were buried in a tomb with all of their possesions and let there forever. Many tombs were raided by tomb raiders and all of their possesions stolen. Im glad i was never a Pharoah.

Christian- It was funn to learn sbout the processes that the pharaohs went through to be mummified. They had to have all of their organs removed and sucked out of them. it was also cool to know that they didnt burry the Pharoahs werent buried for 70 days when today most people dont even wait 7 days to be buried. I enjoyed learning about the mummification of the Pharoahs.


a. "Introduction" -
Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? 30 centuries
What did the people believe Pharaoh was? pharaoh was a living god
How did they "achieve immortality"?preserve the body of a person once they had died, and wrap them up in linen bandages

b. "Dead" -
What was embalming? Your dead body is collected and cleaned, then taken to the ‘place of embalming’, called the wabet.
Who did the embalming? highly respected men
What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process? They all helped preserve the body

c. "Organs Removed"
- Which organs were removed? intestines, stomach, liver, lungs
What did they do with them? stored them in jars

d. "Get Stuffed" -
What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? The stuffing of your dead body with oils and sawdust and rags
What did they stuff you with? oils sawdust and rags

e. "Tomb Bound" -
What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? They wrapped you with linen
What was involved in bandaging the body? some prefer to start with the head and work their way down the body. Resin is used to glue the bandages together.
What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich? All of your possesions and slaves if you had any

f. "Coffins Etc" -
Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. They contained the preserved mummy, there could be as many as three total coffins in one.
What went in the coffins with the body? Stuff.
What went in the tomb with the coffin? All of the mummies possesions and slaves

g. "Your Funeral" -
What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? You have now been dead for seventy days and today is the day of your funeral. You are finally about to enter the afterlife! You will be buried on the western side of the river, where the sun sets.
Your coffin is taken there by boat and is then placed on a sledge and pulled to your tomb.

Tell me about the procession. People would come and mourn over your death and bring food

h. "Eternal Rest" -
Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they want? They broke into the pharoahs pyramid and stole all of his gold and possesions.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review 3 + Identify

1. Its usually divided into 30 dynasties

2. Khufu(Cheops), Khafre, and Menkaure, they built the 3 largest pyramids at Giza

3. King Mentuhotep 1 Abram and his family entered Egypt in search for food

4. Ahmose, He drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

5. Hatshepsut

6. Egypt reestablished its empire in Asia during this period Thutmose 3

7. Became a monarchy during his reign

8. Anwar El-Sadat, Negotiating with Isreals Prime Minester


Giza- Pyramids eight miles south of Cairo

Great Sphinx- Head of a man body of a lion

Twelfth Dynasty- Expanded Egyptian infuence to Asia

Hyksos- "Sheperd King" or "King of Foriegn Countries"

Ramses II- The most outstanding monarch who fought the Hittites

Alexandria- Most emportant city in Alexander's empire

Suptuagint- The old testament that was translated to Greek

Ptolemy- Establish Hellenistic dynasty after Alexander's rule

Cairo- The center of the great cities of the arab world

Suez Canal- built in 1869 by the British

Hosni Mubarak- President of Eygpt anfter Sadat

Modern China

Christian- 5/10

Chase- 4/10

Walk the Plank

Chase- 7/10

Friday, September 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Section review1&2

1. Africa. Sahara. Nile

2. Mediterranean Sea, Sahara Desert, Red Sea.

3. Land of Ham, Gift of the Nile, Seedbed of Africa Culture

4.Because of cultural diffusion

5. Lower and Upper Egypt. Menes.

6.Near the Nile River

7. Egypt was the greatest and most magnificent power of the ancient world.

8. It deposits alluvial soil.

9. They were pictures that the egyptians used for language

10. Thebes, Memphis

11. Pyramid

12. They were humanist, naturalistic, and polytheistic


Isthmus of Suez- Once connected Africa and Asia but since 1869, but it now separates them
Copts- Hamatic people that blended with Semitic and Japhetic people of the Mediterranean Sea
Nomes- Small states in Egypt
Herodotus- The Greek "Father of History", and foremost traveler of the Mediterranean Sea
Nile Delta- Rich alluvial plain of fertile soil
Heiroglyphics-Egyptian system of writing with over 700 characters
Book of the Dead- A book of prayers and incantations placed in tombs to protect the spirits of the dead
Necropolis- "City of the Dead" located along the banks of the Nile River
Great Pyramids of Cheops- At Giza remains one of the 7 wonders of the world
Tutankhamen- One of the worlds most archaeological discoveries
Mummification-The preservations of the bodies of the dead

Eygpt quiz

Chase 10/12

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Temple Stores

Christian- 11 people 103 pts
Chase- 10 people 100 points


He lived between 5000 and 2000 years ago. 99% of people didnt know heiroglyph. Scribe tought their sons snd sometimes groups of people. His house was made pf river mud while most peolples houses were made of bricks. His windows were small with no glass just a hole in the wall. His house was built by the Valley of kings. I got 7/10 right.
Chase Barrett- I think that the Egyptian game was fun. It was rather long but i enjoyed it. I learned things about old Egyptian artifacts. I learned about how they arranged burials and how they removed organs from the dead. The game was fun but I will never play it again.

Egyptian Tomb Adventure Summary

Christian- I think that the game was fun and I learned alot from it. It was fun to learn about some of the artifacts. i learned about the coffins, guard dogs and other thing that they buried with mummies. I also got to learn about some of the symbols they used for different letters. i enjoyed playing the game and learning more about Egyptian civilization and culture.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Egyptian Tomb Adventure

1. It tells you about the person buried in the stone
2. Heiroglyph
3. Priest
4. Canopic Jars, Statues, and a coffin
5. Anubis, the god of cemetery
6. They usually had a body of a human and a head of an animal
7. Used to store peoples organs
8. Wood

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chapter 3.1

1. Old Babylon Empire
2. King of Babylon, established first great Babylonian Empire
3. Composed durind the reign of Hammurabi, to exalt Babylon and its cheif god, Marduk
4. Indo-Europeans from Asia Minor, raided & ploundered Babylon in 1600 BC, first people to extinsively use iron

Chapter 4.1

1. Mt. Everest, and Dead Sea
2. Hwang Ho, Tigris/Euphrates, and Indus
3. Beacuase it juts out into the sea
4. Himilayan mountains, Decau Platau, and Northern Plains

Chpter 4.5

1.Hokkaido, Honshu, Hyushu, and Shikoku
2. Mt. Fuji
3. Ainu
4. Oldest religion of Japan

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gesture Game

Christian-I think that this game was prety cool I only gotan 1/4 though. It was cool to learn some of the gestures they made. I think that some of the gestures they make are pretty weird though.

Chase- The gestures game was fun. It was intresting to learn about some ancient Japanese gestures. The game was tough, I only got 2 out of 4 right. It was a fun game to play and it was funny when you got the answers wrong.

Whats In the Photo

Christian- In the game I learned alot about what Japenese people use stuff for. I learned that they also have a special back scratcher, which is pretty interesting. Also it showed how they make ink. also about how some of the kids play and what they play with.

Chase- In the game which i got a 10/10, i learned about Japanese culture. I learned some of the Japanaese rituals and products. I saw what they used to make ink, and some games they played. They are awesome. And they like rice.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review 1

1. Tigri-Euphrates, Indus, and Hwang Ho. Mesopotamia, India, and China

2. 1 1/3 land and 60% population

3. Himalayan Mountain System, Northern Plains, and Deccan Plateau

4. Hiduism and Cast System

5. Mauryas

6. Siddhartha Gautama, Asia

7. Guptas

8. Mogul Empire

9. British East India Company

10. William Carey

11. They aided India, enlarged irrigation systems, constructed railroads, telegraphs and telephone systems

12. Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, 1947

13. Indira Gandhi, and Mahatma Gandhi

14. Mathmatics- Place Value, Decimal Numeral, Arabic Numeral, and Algebra Science and Technology- Advanced chemical principles


Mount Everest- The highest point in the world, 29,035 ft above sea level
Dead Sea- The lowest place in the world 1,309 ft below sea level
Indus Valley Civilization- Indian civilization that rose at around 2,000 BC along the fertile plains of the Indus River Valley
Aryans- Hordes of fierce barbarians who invaded India
Draidians-Fled south after being overwhelmed by the Aryans
Asoka- The greatest ruler of the Mauryas Empire
Taj Mahal- Best of empires
Pakistan- Territory suceeded from India
Bangladesh- East Pakistan
Hindustani- The official language of Pakistan
Sepoy Rebellion- Indian troops revolted against the British
Adoniran Judsen- Missionary in India known as the father of American missions