Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 13 Section Review 1

1. France Spain England Portugal
2. The Celts, The Anglo-Saxsons
3. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes
4. Augustine 664
5. They had parts of the bible in their own language
6. Alfred- Code of Law
7. William the Conqueror. 1066
8. He increased his power.
9. The language became French, Political positions of power
10. Henry I. Charter of Liberties, Exchequer

England- One of the 4 great colonies during the middle ages
Scops- Chanted war poems and stories to the tribes
Beowulf- Greatest Saxon Poem
Archbishop of Canebury- St. Augustine
Danes- Vikings
Danelaw- Danes to the Northeast area of England
London- Important town
Canute the Dane- King of england after Alfred
Harold- Powerful king of england
Norman Conquest- The normans conquered england
Census- A count of people and property
Domesday book- Day of Judgement.

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