Monday, November 30, 2009

chapter 13 test

Chapter 13 Review:
Celts- Earliest inhabitats of British Isles
Jutes, Angles, Saxons- Germanic tribes, began to arrive from the region south of Denmark
Alfred The Great- First great King of England, saved his kingdom from the Vikings
Harold Godwin- King that died in the Battle of Hastings
William the Conqueror- Won the Battle of Hastings, became the King of England

Joan of Arc- A peasant girl who claimed to hear heavenly voices.
Hugh Capet- Began the Capetian line of kings
Louis VI- Strenghtened the kings power in the Ile-de-France
Louis IX- Improved French law in ways that pleased the people but also increased his power. Made France the most powerful contry in Europe
Pope Boniface VIII- Arrested and killed by King Phillip IV
Ferdinand and Isabella- Married and became King and Queen of Spain.
Marco Polo- Acompanied his father and uncle on a trip to china in 1271 wrote Kindoms and Marvels of the East
Christopher Colombus- Sailed the ocean in 1492 to find the Indies, found the Bahamas


Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? The Celts
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
Which name did the Romans give to Spain? England
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moores
What does “reconquista” mean? To take back
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. Spain, England, France, Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? Stonehendge
Which Germanic tribe named England? Angles
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedman

Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis IX
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) The Cleregy, Nobles, Commoners
Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian Peninsula
Name 3 Germanic tribes. Angles, Saxsons, Jutes
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? France and England. France.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

section review 2 chapter 13

1. Henry II; he reestablishs royal authority following the struggles over the thrown
2. John; because he was cruel, selfish and known for his treachery
3. It established many precendents of History
4. Simon de Montfort; 1265
5. Edward I
6. Because Edwards army was nearly annihilated
7. Edward I; bills
8. The house of Commons, the house of lords, and the hundreds year war
9. 1337 - 1453; English wins they won land
10. Richard II; Henry IV deposed him and took the throne
11. Henry VI went insane and the House of York desputed with Lancasters and began the war
12. 1485; henry tudor won and became henry VII

Richard I- the kind who loved the crusades....called the Lion Hearted
Eleanor of Aquitaine - When richard left she maintained the realm, also Richards mother
Constitution- rules for exercise and restraint of governmental power
Henry III- king of England in 1216
Wales- highland region west of england

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 13 Section Review 1

1. France Spain England Portugal
2. The Celts, The Anglo-Saxsons
3. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes
4. Augustine 664
5. They had parts of the bible in their own language
6. Alfred- Code of Law
7. William the Conqueror. 1066
8. He increased his power.
9. The language became French, Political positions of power
10. Henry I. Charter of Liberties, Exchequer

England- One of the 4 great colonies during the middle ages
Scops- Chanted war poems and stories to the tribes
Beowulf- Greatest Saxon Poem
Archbishop of Canebury- St. Augustine
Danes- Vikings
Danelaw- Danes to the Northeast area of England
London- Important town
Canute the Dane- King of england after Alfred
Harold- Powerful king of england
Norman Conquest- The normans conquered england
Census- A count of people and property
Domesday book- Day of Judgement.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 12 Study Guide

feudalism-W ay of life based on ownership and use of land
fief- They worked the land
lord- Owned the land
vassal- Used the land but agreed to be in the lords army
knight- Appionted warriors that fought for the king
chivalry- Code of honor that knights had to swear to
heraldry- Colorful, unique symbols, Similar to a Coat of Arms
castle- Heavily fortified dwellings built for nobles
joust- A sport played betwwen knights
tournament- jousting that lasted an entire day
manor- Estates that belonged to the nobles
serf- Farmers that worked on the manors
Truce of God- No fighting on sundays
Peace of God-
burg- community of traviling merchants
middle class- Burgers, between nobility and peasents
trade fair- Merchants from all over
guild- Consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen
black death- Form of Bubonic Plague, 25 million people died in europe between 1334-1351(almost half of the European pop)
Chaucer- He wrote Cantiberry Tails
trivium- Grammer, Rhetoric, and logic, part of the medieval cirriculum
quadrivium- Arithmetic, music, Geometry, and Astronomy, Part of the Medieval Cirriculum
scholasticism- Theology, and Greek Philosophy, Most schools were under authority of the Roman Catholic Church
Brethren of the Common Life- Christian group
humanism- intese interests in the subject of humanities
patron- donated money to the arts
Sistine Chapel- Chapel Michalangelo played in
Medicis- Powerfull and influential Flourintine family
Thomas Aquinas-called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind

William of Ockham educated at Oxford. && said Bible was the ultimate

John Wycliffe- Translated the Bible into their formal language
John Huss- Student of Whcliffe
Gerhard Groote
Dante wrote Divine Comedy. && one of the few pieces of Medieval literature

Petrarch- Father of Huminism

Bocaccio-wrote "The Decameron"
Michelangelo-"Renaissance Man" most famous paintings would be Sistine Chapel and The Last Supper && He was supported by the Medici Family.
Machiavelli-wrote "The Prince"
Giotto-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance
DaVinci-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance &&
painted the Mona Lisa
Prague-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance

Monday, November 2, 2009

Section 12

Chapter 12 section review 1

1.) based upon the ownership and use of land
2.) A lord - a person who permitted another man A vessel - a man who used it in return for certain promised services
3.) A castle was difficult to attack. Devices had to be used that could hurl stones and arrows and other projectiles over the high wall
4.) Jousts, Tournaments, Falconry, Minstrels
5.) The farmers of the manors, the nobles were richer than that of the peasants
6.) Truce of God , and Peace of God
Feudalism - The new system of government arose in Medieval Europe
King - at the top of feudal system in each Western European kingdom
crown land - parts of the land
Knight - those nobles promised to provide the king a specific number
Chivalry- Knights code of honor
Heraldry- Code of arms
Manor- Estates that belong to the nobles
Demense-The serf had to work two or three days each week in the lords field

Middle Ages