Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chapter 3 Section Review 2

1. Canaan, Palastine, & Israel
2. Israel & Judah
3. The three greatest monotheistic religions
4. The Ten Commandments
5. They agreed o be a theocracy
6. Semites
7. David & Solomon
8. They divided into two parts
9. 70 A.D.

Abraham- the father of a great nation
Patriarchs- founding fathers of Israel
Moses- a mighty leader
Covenant- a promise
Theocracy- a nation ruled by one god
Alphabet- photonic system of writing in which letters are used to represent sounds rather than things or ideas
Sinai Script- first true alphabet
Literacy- the ability to read and write ones own language
721 BC- the Assyrians invaded israel
586 BC-The Southern Kingdom fell to the Babylonians

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