Monday, December 14, 2009

mid term exam

Chapter 1 & 2 Test:

Multiple Choice
1. d) History
3. c) Before Christ
4. B) Anno Domini
5. a) 3 Eras of History
7) D) Tigres and Euphrates
10. A) Civilization

1. J) Culture
4. K) Monotheism
5. N) olytheism
10. C) Postdiluvian

Chapter 3&4
Multiple Choice
1. Mt. Everest
2. DeadSea
4. Caste
10. India
14. Decalogue
15. Mt Horeb (Sinai)
16. Mecca
2. Chou
9. Mt Fuji
10. Archipelago
Short Answer
2. 38th parallel
3.South Korea
4. North Korea
12. Marco Polo
13. Chi'n
14. Great wall of China
28. Pyongyang
29. Souel
Chapter 5
Multiple choice
2. Sahara
3. Notheast corner
10. Hieoglyphics
1. Heiroglyphics
4. Pyramids
5.Egyptian Tomb
6. King Tut
7. Mummification

Chapter 6
Multiple Choice
2. Polar ice caps
6. Kalahari
7. Atlas
9. Lake Victoria
4.Simon of Cyrene
5. Clement of Alexandria
Short Answer

Chapter 7
1. Black/Agean
4. Homer
5. The Illiad
6. The odyssey
7. Zeus
8. Apollo
11. Ares
13. Polis
14. Acropolis

Chapter 8
2.Warm Mediteranean
3. Alps
5. 753 BC
6. Forum
9. Paterfamilia
12. Panthenon
14. Pedagogue
15. Roman Senate
19. Conquest
20. Legion
1. Carthage
5. iumverate
3. Gladiators
Short awnser
1. Roman PEace
2. Ceasar Augustus
4. Caligula
5. Nero
7. Mt. Vesuvious
8. Pompe

Chapter 12.
Multiple Choice
1. Knights
2. Prague
3. Michalengelo
4. Moat
5. Serf
6. Jousting
7. Geoffrey Chaucer
2. Medicius
4. Burghers
5.Black Death
9. Da Vinci
1. Piece of land belonged to this man
3. estate belonged to nobles
15. Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Review


Copts- Hamitic people who blended with Semetic and Japhetic Peoples of the Mediterranean world
Herodotus- The Greek Father of History (485-425BC)
menes- United the two bstates and became the first Pharaoh of all Egypt
Jean Francois Champollion- Able to decipher hieroglyphics with other scholar
King tutankhamen- Teenage pharaoh who died at 18
Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure- Three outstanding monarchs of the old kingdom
Mentuhotep1- Reunited two lands and paved the way for the Middle Kingdom and the powerful 12 Dynasty
Hyksos- Asiatic warriors
Ahmose1- Theban price who founded the New Kingdom
Hatshepsut- Could be Moses' foster mother, strong willed daughter of Thutmose1
Thutmose3- Extended Egypts border to their farthest extent and brought the Egyptian Empire to its greatest height
Amenhotep2- May have been pharaoh during the Hebrew exodus
Ramses2- Most outstanding monarch, fought the Hittites in Asia and sponsored much building activity
Ptolemy- Gained controll of Egypt and established a Hellenistic dynasty that ruled entil Cleopatras suicide
Gamal Abdel Nasser- First president when Egypt became a monarchy in 1953
Anwar el-Sadat- One of the most admired heroes of modern day Europe
Hosni Mubarak- Succeeded Sadet as president of Europe


Africa- 2nd largest continent
Isthmus of Suez- once connected Africa to Asia
Mizraim- Name of Hams son
Lower Egypt- Nile Delta
Upper Egypt- From Delta near Memphis to the 1st Cataract south of Thebes
Nile Delta- A rich, alluvial plain of fertile soil
Great Pyramids of Cheops- One of the wonders of the world, located at Giza

Capter 1 Review


A.D.- After death; Anno domini
B.C.- Before Christ
Evolution- A fabled process of progressive change dependent on chance and time
Government- An institution that has both authority and power to controll
Sovereign- God has supreme power over all nations, rulers, and individuals
Deluge- Great Flood
Capital punishment- The death penalty
Postdiluvian- Post flood
Plain of Shinar-Lower Mesopotamia
Babel- an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower
Humanism- The worship of man
Nation- A large group of people who think of themselves as one
Race- Several large people groups
Indo-European- The Japhetic language

1. His incarnation, birth, life, death, resurrection, and asension
2. 1, 600
3. Shem, Ham, and Japheth
4. Nimrod; means rebel
5. the tower of babel
6. noahs sons
7. nations

Chapter Concepts
1. the study of man kind; so we wont repeat our mistakes in the past
2. difference between right and wrong, they could talk and understand; freedom to make choices
3. because history covers human acts of reason, beauty, order, design, and truth as these testify to the fact that man was created in the image of God
4. ancient history, medieval history, modern history
5. ancient history is the begining of the record of history
6. God established civil government by establishing capital punishment
7. because if they killed comeone dont you think they should be pu nished for it to
8. nation...ccame from the tower of babel.....they all dispersed

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chapter 15 Section Review 2

1. his royal family/spain,austria,netherlands,several itlian kingdoms
2. he controlled a lot of the earths surface/spain became the golden century
3. he was devoted to the roman church/he intensified the spanish inquisition
4. john III/persecuted the jews
5. they sucessfully transmited their lang. and cultures
6. holland & belgiun/low lands/low countries
7. they shed blood to defend their political and religious freedoms
8. Charles V/Philip the Second/they were shocked and surprised
9. william the silent prince of orange
10. when they conquered spain/1648

Miguel de Cervantes-outstanding writer
Don Quixote-writen by Miguel and a master piece
Luiz de camoes-portugals greatest writer
Os Lusiadas-long epic poem
dikes-dam like barriers of earth and stone
Duke of Alva-cruel leader
Council of Blood-it was brutal council because of they way it treated dutch people
United Provinces-declared the netherlands to be independent of spain
Dutch Reformed Church-william the Silent

Chapter 15 Section Review 1

1. They rebelled and were inflamed by political fanatics and self appointed "prophets" the peasants started making extreme demandsand taking matters into there own hands rather than trusting to let the Gospel bring about change.
2. Charles gave the Lutherans until April 1531 to return to the Roman church or face war; they made the peace of Augsburg which was in 1555.
3. The Counter-Reformation. The Counter-Reformation attempted to produce certain limited changes (mostly in the morals of the clergy) within the Roman Church.
4. Jesuits. Their goal was to form a group of men absolutely dedicated to the pope and the Roman Church.
5. They spread Romanism.

Augsburg Confession- the first Protestant Confession by faith.
Inquisition- virtually destroyed Protestantism in Spain and halted its growth in many other nations.
Ignatius Loyola- a Spanish soldier read about the lifes of pious Roman saints and the life of Christ.
Council of Trent- reaffirmed the traditional Romanist doctrines one by one while specifically denying the Biblical teachings of the Protestant Reformation.